What is Performance CTV? The Agency Bringing Unique Perspective to the TV Screen

The Agency

We're unique in that we're independent forward-thinkers, we embrace and quickly adapt to change. We challenge the status quo to drive positive change, all while having a little fun along the way. Our years of experience in digital marketing have taught us the following: 

  1. Offer real value. 
  1.  Real value should be both quantifiable and measurable. 
  1. Quantifiable & measurable metrics should drive positive business outcomes. 
  1. When positive business outcomes are achieved, everyone involved should benefit.
  1. Hard work, attention to detail, good communication & a touch of secret sauce are the final ingredients to the recipe for success. 

These are the reasons Performance CTV exists today. 

Unique Perspective - The Future of CTV

Serving Ads to Real Humans

Digital marketing presents a paradox with its vast scale, automation, and advanced audience targeting potential, yet transparency issues and ad fraud remain major concerns, especially in programmatic marketing. Bad actors continuously exploit open auction display inventory, and Connected TV inventory is the next target. The fragmented Connected TV supply chain coupled with the intense competition among all players vying for a piece of the profitable market further complicates matters.

While self-service CTV platforms seem appealing due to clever marketing and ease of use, they simply act as an additional middleman to the supply chain further distancing advertisers from publisher inventory, all while taking a hefty margin off the advertisers' budget.

The top priority for advertisers should be to serve ads to real humans. The popular industry buzzword is Premium Inventory, but what does that even mean? In reality premium inventory should be considered any ad viewed by real humans.

The trend in the digital marketing landscape is shifting from acquiring media through real-time bidding on open exchanges to direct deals, particularly for Connected TV inventory. Publishers are investing in in-house sales teams to broker campaigns directly with advertisers, bringing back the traditional direct sales model. That being said, the next iteration of direct media buying will be facilitated, and centralized by software to automate the back-and-forth communication and negotiation processes.  

Advertisers should seek independent partners who educate them on the entire Connected TV landscape, helping them understand all their options to maximize their ad dollars and drive real value. At a minimum, serving ads to real humans should be a top priority for all advertisers.

Interactive & Dynamic Ad Formats 

Interactive and dynamic ad formats have the potential to transform TV into the ultimate prospecting channel, opening doors for advertisers of all industries and sizes to achieve their performance and direct response marketing goals.

QR codes, better yet shoppable QR codes are on the rise, but they represent the very beginning of the vast potential of interactive and dynamic ad formats. With technological advancements across many fronts including ad servers and video players, the TV screen will morph from a brand awareness play into a powerful digital marketing channel with the ability to influence and track prospects down the marketing funnel all the way to conversion. 

What Does the Future of CTV Look Like?

Perhaps in the near future, CTV will become the ultimate shopping/commerce experience with the ability to purchase products or explore services with a remote click, smartphone application, or voice assistant prompt. 

Perhaps through collaboration with strategic publishers, B2B companies can effectively target their audience with personalized calls to action, such as downloading white-papers, booking sales demos, or signing up for software trials, all tailored to meet their specific needs and interests.

Perhaps in the near future, viewers will be able to totally immerse themselves in content via augmented reality hardware devices. Interacting with content, products and services, choosing custom immersive experiences. Perhaps, inviting their favorite characters and stars directly into their living rooms.

Early Adopters will Have the Advantage

The combination of Streaming content and Connected TV’s presents the next massive opportunity for advertisers to drive real value from their marketing dollars. 

If you're curious to learn more or discuss opportunities in more detail, feel free to get in touch with our team today.